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The Decentralized Nodes program is officially launched with its first cohort!

Below are the selected nodes for each network, along with backup nodes ready to step in if needed.


Important information

Web3 Foundation’s nominations aim to put all selected validators in the active set. However, because of the way the election algorithm works, it is possible that some nodes might not become active. In any such a case, we’ll do our best to adjust the nominations accordingly, but we cannot guarantee all selected validators will be active all the time.

Please note that selected Polkadot nodes with a status of “Pending” will be nominated a couple of weeks after the rest, when more funds become available in the nomination stashes.

For anyone participating in the program, please read the Rules and Terms and Conditions once more and make sure you comply at all times.

Decentralized Nodes Cohort 1

Term timeline

Start: November 15, 2024
End: March 15, 2025

Selected Nodes

Graduated (2)

The node has accumulated enough nominations to be active and is no longer supported by the program

Removed (1)

The node has been removed from the program due to some violation

Backup Nodes

The backup nodes are listed in the order they will be contacted if the need arises. They must declare their availability to be nominated within 24 hours. If they don’t reply, they are unavailable, or it would take them too long, the next backup node in line will be contacted to take their place. Any backup nodes that fill an open slot with less than 2 months remaining in the term will be automatically selected to participate in the next cohort too.

The Program is run by Web3 Foundation, a not-for-profit organization that supports Web3 teams and open-source projects through funding, advocacy, research, and collaboration.